~Kosmic Kat's First Ever MALE Character!~
~Colt is a Traveler Who Found Refuge in the Desert After His Group Had Been Ambushed. Colt Found a Substantial Water Suply and Food Source to Last Him Until Someone Passed By. The Food and Water Lasted Five Months Until One Day it ran Extreamly Low. Colt, Tired, Overheated, and Almost Dehydrated, Passed Out in the Desert Sand. Kalinda Came Across Him While Practicing Her Fire Skills (She Enjoys Practicing in Un-inhabited, Open Areas. She Also Enjoys Extream Heat to Work With). She Brought Him to a Village Not Extreamly Far Away, That Took Care of Him and Gave Him Food, Water and Proper Shelter. Kalinda Had Then Brought Over Celena to Make Sure He Was Constantly Hydrated. Colt Thanked Both Kalinda and Celena for Finding Him and Taking Care of Him, He Also Thanked the Village for the Shelter, Food and Water They so Generously Gave Him. He Set Off Once Again to Continue His Adventures...~