30 January, 2013

~Happy Birthday Luka!~

~Now you can dance too! (It's mirrored so you can learn faster)~
~Posted by BLoodyALiceXseriX on Youtube~

~If this doesn't make you shed a single tear I don't know what will! And I will give you something to cry about! (I am only joking about!)~
~Posted by motokokusanagi2009 on Youtube~


 ~8-bit Luka Inventory:~
Fist Row: 
~Megurine Luka, Secret, Just be friends, The Tailor shop on Enbizaka, Kimono, Punk costume~
Second Row:
~Magnet, Thousand sakura, Circus monster, Witch costume, Love ward, Dancer in the dark~
Third Row:
~Racing day 2010, Infinite holic, Happy synthisizer, Love is war, Madness of duke Venomania, Toeto~